Regulatory notices

In the context of the ESAs call of evidence on greenwashing published in November 2022, the Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group provided ESMA with advises.

The Austrian Financial Market supervisory authority published at the beginning of this month its annual supervisory fees applicable in 2023.

Today, the SFC published a couple of slides of workshops on ESG fund regulations held in March 2022 and on 12 January 2023.

ESMA launched a common supervisory action (CSA) with national competent authorities (NCAs) on the application of MiFID II disclosure rules with regard to marketing communications across the European Union (EU). This CSA will be conducted over the course of 2023.

The FinDatEx added explanations to its communication on the EET V1.1.1 .

The Financial Services and Markets Authority, the Belgian financial regulator revised its Communication on national requirements for marketing for UCITS and AIFs (FSMA_2022_05 of 25/01/2022) on 2nd of January and made available on its website as required by the cross-border distribution of funds regulation (CBDF).

Friday 6 January 2023, the ESMA published a revised version of its AIFMD reporting technical guidances (2013/1358). The forty-four fields impacted are evidenced in the change history tab.

The Danish financial regulator clarified in which language the PRIIPs KID replacing the UCITS KIID must be provided to the retail investors.

As from the 1st of January 2023, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA decreases its annual fee for the supervision of the collective investment schemes.